Friday, February 11, 2011

Ramble ramble.

Sometimes, no matter how much it hurts, you have to give up. You have to be true to yourself every once in awhile and you have to realize what is best for you and your life. I know giving up isn't easy, especially for someone as stubborn as myself. But when the world looks at giving up and says that you should never do it, sometimes it's best that you do, if even only for a little while. It's such a relief..sometimes that is. And other times it stinks. I'll admit, I hate the feeling after giving up. You feel like you've lost some pride or a piece of you. But in all reality you haven't, if you do give up, you must have a pretty good reason. Most the time you don't realize it, but in this particular situation, I gave up to move on. Because being stuck on something that might never be possible is nearly impossible and way ridiculous. Sometimes I wonder why I think certain things are so great, when they really aren't at all? I find one awesome thing about something/someone and I run with it, then everything portraying to that thing becomes amazing..when it isn't at all. I'm just rambling now, I've got a lot on my mind if you couldn't tell. Another thing, Valentines Day is coming up, and while in middle school I used to be so infatuated with the holiday, now it makes me want to lock myself in a closet and gag myself to death, brutal right? Trust me..I know. But I'm serious. I don't hate any day more than I hate Valentines Day. Like is it only for those that are so in love that they have to have an actual day for it, and the ones who are bitter about love (me me me!) get stuck gagging themselves all day? All I'm saying is that, if and when I actually fall in love, everyday will be Valentines Day. Because I'm pretty sure if you're really in love you don't need one day in the year to make it know, but 365 days to make it known in a I right? Well. I'm done with the rambling, I hope you're fantastic, and try not to gag to death this Monday, like I might!

"Life is rough waters, make sure you have a stable boat"

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