Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Great Is Our God?

I say this often, but I am blessed. Today, a friend asked me to go serve at a Chrysalis dinner for the boys that were on the walk this weekend. As I served, I was reminded of my Chrysalis experience which was AMAZING!! (If you haven't been, go..i'll sponsor you!!) Anyways, just seeing some guys that I know personally on fire for the Lord, rekindled my heart and made me more on fire for God. I mean what isn't amazing about our lord? I can't think of one single thing. The songs of worship, singing, dancing, smiling, laughing, and just having a great time with those who love the Lord as I do, warmed my heart and made me realize that he is soooo worthy of mine, and everyone else's praise! He is so worthy. I know that sometimes I slip, and sometimes I trip, but the Lord my God will never..NEVER let me completely fall. He is so forgiving it's almost ridiculous. One day, you could curse his name back and forth and the next decide you're wrong and he would take you back into his arms like you've never done a thing wrong. I love this about my Lord, because nobody else can ever forgive the way he does. 
From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same, THE LORD'S NAME IS TO BE PRAISED!
Psalm 113:3

"Life is rough waters, just be sure you have a stable boat"

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