Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Silly'll get ya every time.

So yesterday, I decided to go golf for a little while with some of my amazing friends. And of course, being the new-excited to golf-golfer he is, Adam was golfing as well. I was pretty amazed at how awesome he was actually..shout out to you, AD!! But anyways as we were chillen in the car waiting for the other guys to get there to come play, Adam decided to spray me with silly string (got it for my birthday, thanks leah ever) but it was kinda hot and it was already melted so it stuck to my polo. I was upset, so I sprayed Adam back right in the middle of his bad. It was funny, until it really wouldn't come off then I felt terrible because we were looking all nice and stuff and then..yeahh. So after all this Adam was like "Hey Kate you should blog about this" I was like why? blog about silly strings that's ridiculous..then I was like hmm i'll turn it into something positive..I guess? So here you go Adam, i'm doing yet another thing you asked me to do (like always)
   Even though some people may throw some dirt on your life, or silly string, you have to love them anyways. God doesn't start hating us when we sin against him does he? Of course he doesn't, he forgives us. He redeems us from the terrible things we do daily and still loves us as if we're perfectly angels. I'm not saying God doesn't get disappointed in us because of course he does, what father doesn't when we mess up. But he still loves us. And we as Christians here on Earth should be able to show love in the way our Father shows love to us. When someone sprays melted silly string on our shirt that we can't get off we gotta show them our loving heart anyways and be like ya know what it's okay because i'm called to love you even though this really sucks and everyone is gunna look at me like i'm an idiot (and they will, you have green slim all over you, duh). But I guess all i'm trying to say is love everyone because God loved us enough to give up his son..grasp that..his own blood and flesh son to die for our sins so that we wouldn't be entangled in sin everyday if we gave the small price of devoting our heart and soul to him. But more importantly, because you probably already love the people you like, love your enemies as much as your bestfriend. Then what can they have against you? Nothing because you love, pray and seek for there well-being everyday therefore they're either going to be like you Jesus freak stop praying for me and get away, or like usually, they're going to open their heart and allow you to come in and take the hatred away between the two of you. Hopefully you've learned a little bit of how to love someone despite that green, melted, silly string they spray all over you.

Life is rough waters, just be sure to have a stable boat

Monday, May 2, 2011

So yesterday I was completely oblivious to the fact that Osama Bin Laden had apparently been shot and killed? Whaaaaaaa?? Yeah I was asleep all day due to the fact I was being homeless the night before and didn't feel the need to sleep at all during the night. Bad decision btw, staying awake through church was so unbearable, shew. But anyways, I found it a little weird that as soon as I found out he had been killed, I kinda got offended in a sense and began to pray for his country, our country and anyone else that had anything to do with him. It kills me that we as humans believe that if someone kills someone, they should be in turn killed. It doesn't make sense, two wrongs don't make a right..right? I understand that he has done a terrible thing and that he doesn't deserve to live probably but still, if he doesn't deserve to live, neither do I. He sinned, and I sin everyday, and every sin is the same in God's eyes, so if murderes are to be put to death, then put me to death too. Maybe i'm just an extreme activist of love or something, but instead of being mad at him for what he did, I instead wanted to help him and love him. Obviously I can't just walk up to him and talk to him, for one he can't speak english and two he'd probably kill me considering i'm American, oh and three, nobody could find him so how could I? ha! I mean honestly, he just needs to be loved. If we as Americans sought out to love him and not to kill him, he wouldn't have kept running. No wonder Non-Christians are so afraid of us Christians when we approach them. We don't look to be activist of love in times when people need it, we look to hurt them just as they hurt us. I'm not saying if someone goes and kills your brother to look at them and say it's okay and give them a big hug. I mean our conscience wouldn't let us do that. But we should pray when something that terrible happens, pray and forgive them who sins against you.