Thursday, August 4, 2011

Peace in Chaos

You know what one of my favorite things about God is? It's not that he forgives me when I mess up, time, after time, after time, and a few more times (although that is absolutely amazing) and it's not that I know that i'll be with him one day (once again, amazing..I can't wait for that day) but it's his caring and loving compassion that he shows me daily. Not only the care that he alone gives me, but the blessings that he puts on other humans to share to me when I need it most. Today was one of the worst days I could possibly have. Well, not really, but by 6 o'clock my day had went in a straight shoot downwards. This morning I was awaken by my alarm singing "To Make You Feel My Love" Okay, I LOVE that song but this morning, Adele's voice was not charming and it made me mad, I immediately grabbed my phone, shut it off, decided that waking up was not going to happen and went back to bed. 10 minutes later, Adele was back. I decided this time that if I didn't go get in the shower and hurry for school I wasn't going to make it on time, and it's the 2nd day, can't already start this tardy stuff. So I get out of the shower, dry my hair and as soon as I pick up my flat iron, Tyler calls. This wasn't a bad thing at all, I happily answered the phone with an ecstatic "Good morning sunshine" and got in response a "Good morning Beautiful". Now what girl wouldn't smile at that. We talked for a few minutes, then I was like crap I have GOT to hurry. So i did, rushed off to school, now in the most cheerful mood anyone could experience saying Good Morning to every person I passed. The day was great, minus the online class part..gag me with a spoon. I came home, got ready for Junior Miss practice and was gone by 5:45. I get there, and we begin to work on talent. HOLD UP, if you know know I am in no sort or way or any kind of "talented" I mean, I can touch my tongue to my nose..if that counts as talent. I immediately trip because I know i'm going to have to get on stage and do my clog routine..heaven help. So I do it, completely fail. Feel like hiding under a rock and staying there forever. On to the next thing, I head off to soccer practice hoping that I can take my anger from this stress out on a soccer ball or something, just do something to get this off my mind and of course, epic fail again. Everyone was freaking out tonight, I was playing awful, and I knew it. I closed my eyes and began to pray for the team, for myself and for coach to not get absolutely upset with how things were going, mostly everyone was utterly negative and being the optimist I am, I tried to cheer everyone up saying "it's okay" "it happens" "you got this" but it's kind of hard to make others smile, when you've got the biggest look of hate on your face. So after a terrible practice, on my behalf, I come home to vent to mom, thank Jesus she understood and didn't blow me off, because that might have set me off. I came up to my room to try to unwind and chill out a little bit, get on Facebook, tell the world how stressed I am and my WONDERFUL Coach posts, Psalm 46:10 which says "Be still and know that I am God" I don't know how much this verse means to you, but to me it turned my day still and know that I am God. No matter what, God is always watching, guiding, and protecting. He knows your heart more then anyone and loves you despite what is inside of it. I know that the devil had intentions of making me want to rip my hair out today and he tried to defeat me, but I am and will never be defeated because my God is more powerful then any stunt the devil tries to bring me down with. My Lord will always provide and protect..because he is my God.

"Life is rough waters, be sure to have a stable boat"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I'm sure you all have heard of the old hymn, "Sanctuary" but have you ever actually listened to the words and taken them into consideration? I hadn't until I heard one of my Y friends, Andrew was singing it constantly on a service trip this summer. I was in one of those deep thinking moods and I overheard him singing it as we were walking into our next project. It caught me completely off guard and made me think about the lyrics..
"Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary. Pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving, i'll be a living, sanctuary for you" I realized at that moment, that all my life I had been singing that song, over and over and never even understood what I was singing. I began to think about what the song was saying, which is that we should always be a living sanctuary, no matter what circumstance. We should always be bold in Christ and stay pure and holy. Now if you're in your right mind you know that it is nearly impossible to be pure because we all sin a million times a day but because our God is so forgiving, he allows us to be pure when we ask him to forgive us. Thinking about that, still gives me cold chills even after 17 years of knowing that we are always forgiven..still gets to me. Our God is so powerful. This song is entitiling you to be a Sanctuary, a place that is sacred and holy and set aside for worship. Now, we can't always worship like we do in a actual sanctuary everywhere we go, but we can always find a way to worship any where. It doesn't always have to be by singing, or even praying. Doing random acts of kindness and love, compassion and practicing patience are ways to worship God in the most random times. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying i'm some holy roller but I do try my hardest to worship the God I love so much, as much as possible, and yes, it's difficult soooo difficult because of the temptations and the busy schedule I have, but the effort you give God is what counts. God doesn't want you to love him with no compassion and just to be doing it because you think that's what's right. God wants you to devote your full heart to him, just like the verse in Revelation 3:16 "So, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Which means that you should not half heartedly love the Lord, or he will reject you and i guess you'll be spit out of his mouth, and who wants that? Loving God is an easy thing because he is so loving in return, but I think the problem we have today with God is the accepting his commands for us because we're so caught up in what the World has become that it's often easy to listen to the voices of others over the voice of God. I guess that's where our selective hearing plays it's role. So I think that's all that's on my mind for the day, now i'm compelled to be singing Sanctuary over and over and over all day..thanks God.

"Life Is Rough waters, Be Sure To Have A Stable Boat"